Category Archives: Preparedness

Preparedness Information from the Medic Response Health and Safety blog

Did you know that you can Register your AED?

AEDs - Medic Response

Does your business have an AED? If so, it only takes a minute to register it on the PulsePoint AED map. This can help emergency responders find the life-saving device when someone nearby is suffering from a cardiac arrest emergency. PulsePoint is a 501(c)(3) public non-profit foundation building applications that help public safety agencies inform […]

Saving Lives on the Job: The Importance of CPR and AED Training for Construction and Outdoor Workers

Medic Response Health and Safety

Medic Response Health & Safety offers CPR AED training courses for Construction and Outdoor workers. In high-risk industries like construction, electrical contracting, landscaping, and road construction, workplace safety isn’t just a priority—it’s a necessity. While strict safety protocols and equipment can mitigate many dangers, emergencies can still occur, and being prepared to respond swiftly can […]

What are the advantages of having a Motorcycle First Aid Kit?

Motorcycle First Aid

Medic Response Health & Safety’s Motorcycle First Aid Kits are an asset that contribute to your safety, preparedness, and ability to respond effectively to medical situations while enjoying your ride. We created these first aid kits because our staff rides motorcycles and wanted to give a gift to their friends and there were not many […]

Providing Access to First Aid Supplies for your Employees

On-site training from Medic Response

Medic Response Health & Safety is your one stop Training and Public Safety Medical Supply source. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States generally requires employers to provide access to first aid supplies in the workplace. OSHA’s medical services and first aid standard (29 CFR 1910.151) states that employers are required […]

Empower Bystanders with Bleeding Control Kits

Stop The Bleed Month

Medic Response Health & Safety sells bleeding control kits which can be crucial to saving lives in an emergency. Bleeding control kits are essential tools in emergency situations where rapid and effective intervention is necessary to control severe bleeding. The importance of these kits lies in their ability to save lives by addressing a critical […]

October 16 is World Restart a Heart Day

Group CPR Training

World Restart a Heart Day on October 16 is a global initiative to increase awareness about the importance of bystander CPR and to increase actual bystander CPR rates worldwide. Knowing how to respond in an emergency, especially the ability to perform CPR, is a skill set that saves lives each day. Each year, over 350,000 […]

October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest Month

Bleeding control and first aid kits

More than 356,000 people have an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the United States every year. Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. More than 356,000 people have an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the United States every year, and about 60% to 80% of them die before reaching the hospital. Sudden Cardiac […]

Why You Need an AED

CPR, AED and First Aid Training for Airports

What is an AED? An AED, or Automated External Defibrillator, is a portable medical device used to treat sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) by delivering an electric shock to the heart. Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart’s normal rhythm is disrupted, often resulting in the heart quivering instead of pumping blood effectively. This can lead […]

Should Teachers in Maryland be CPR and First Aid Certified?

Maryland Teacher Certification - Medic Response Health and Safety

Medic Response Health & Safety offers Heartsaver First Aid, CPR and AED training courses. CPR and first aid certification can be valuable skills for anyone, including teachers and daycare providers, as they can potentially help in emergency situations both inside and outside the classroom or daycare facility. Even if not mandated by state regulations, some […]

How can you be Prepared for Workspace Violence and Injury?

Workplace violence and injury

Nearly 50% of U.S. Employers are not prepared for workplace violence incidents. Medic Response Health & Safety can help prepare your business. Being prepared medically for workplace violence involves placing strong emphasis on medical training and supplies to ensure the safety and well-being of employees in the event of an incident. Here are key measures […]

CPR, AED & First Aid Training: Airport Staff

CPR, AED and First Aid Training for Airports

CPR , AED, and First Aid training are of crucial importance at airports of all sizes. Medic Response Health and Safety can help train your staff. CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation), AED (Automated External Defibrillator), and First Aid training are of crucial importance at airports of all sizes – large, regional, and small. Airports are bustling environments […]

Prepare for Student Safety with School First Aid Supplies

Prepare for Back to School with Medic Response

Back to School – Safety First! In the Classroom, Infirmary, School Buses, and Cafeteria. Medic Response can help! To prepare for student safety in the school and on school buses, schools can take the following steps: Assess First Aid Needs:– Conduct a thorough assessment of the school and bus environments to identify potential risks and […]

September is National Preparedness Month: Are you ready?

September Emergency Preparedness Month

The primary goal of National Preparedness Month is to raise awareness and promote actions that help individuals, families, and communities prepare for emergencies and disasters. National Preparedness Month (NPM) is an annual observance held every September. It is sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Ready Campaign, in collaboration with various government […]

First Aid and CPR Training for Tattoo Parlors: It’s the Law

Tattoo Parlor first aid cpr medic response health and safety

Medic Response Health & Safety offers first aid and CPR training for Tattoo Parlor professionals. Being trained in first aid is crucial for professionals working in tattoo parlors for several reasons. Here are some key points highlighting the importance of first aid training in tattoo parlors: 1. Emergency Response: Tattoo procedures involve the use of […]

The Importance of CPR and First Aid Training for Landscaping and Nursery Professionals

landscaping nursery first aid training - Medic Response Health and Safety

Medic Response Health & Safety offers CPR and First Aid Training for the Landscaping/Nusery Industry CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and First Aid training are important for professionals working in the landscaping and nursery industry for several reasons: 1. Emergency Response: Landscaping and nursery professionals often work in outdoor environments that can involve physical labor and potential […]

The Necessity of Bleeding Control Kits and First Aid Kits in Schools

Bleeding control and first aid kits

Medic Response Health & Safety offers Bleeding Control and First Aid Kits for Schools – the right tools in place make a difference when minutes matter. The necessity of bleeding control kits and first aid kits in schools is crucial for several reasons: Emergency Response: Accidents and injuries can occur at any time, including in […]

Choking: Why is a Quick Response Required?

Choking - CPR and FIrst Aid Training from Medic Response

It’s always advisable to take a certified First Aid and CPR course to be prepared to handle emergencies effectively. If someone is choking, it is crucial to act quickly to help them. Here are the steps you can take if you encounter a choking person: Assess the situation: Determine if the person is indeed choking […]

Home Health Care Supplies: Be Prepared

Home Health Care Products and Supplies from Medic Response Health and Safety

Medic Response Health and Safety sells a line of Home Health Care products. Home health care supplies are important because they enable individuals to receive necessary medical care and support within the comfort of their own homes. This is particularly important for people with chronic illnesses, disabilities, or those recovering from surgeries, who require ongoing […]

What are the Advantages of Church Personnel knowing CPR and having an AED?

Church First Aid CPR AED

By providing CPR and AED training to church personnel, the church can empower its community members to take an active role in promoting the health and safety of those around them. There are several advantages of church personnel knowing CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and having an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) on hand, including: Saving lives: In […]

The Importance of Wilderness and Remote First Aid

Wilderness Training

Medic Response Health & Safety offers a Wilderness and Remote First Aid course. Wilderness and remote first aid are crucial skills for outdoor enthusiasts and those who work in remote areas. These skills are designed to provide life-saving care in the absence of immediate access to medical facilities. Wilderness and remote environments present unique challenges […]

Benefits of Knowing CPR in an Emergency and Having an AED

Emergency CPR/AED

The collapse of football player Damar Hamlin was a reminder of the benefits of knowing CPR in an emergency. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique that’s useful in many emergencies in which someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. Despite recent gains, less than 40% of adults receive layperson-initiated CPR, and fewer than 12% have […]

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