How can you be Prepared for Workspace Violence and Injury?

Workplace violence and injury

Nearly 50% of U.S. Employers are not prepared for workplace violence incidents. Medic Response Health & Safety can help prepare your business.

Being prepared medically for workplace violence involves placing strong emphasis on medical training and supplies to ensure the safety and well-being of employees in the event of an incident. Here are key measures an employer can take:

  1. First Aid Training: Prioritize first aid training for designated employees. Training should encompass basic life support, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), and first aid techniques for trauma injuries. Equipping employees with these skills can significantly improve the chances of providing immediate medical assistance to the injured.
  2. Trauma Response Training: Offer specialized trauma response training for select personnel, such as security personnel or designated emergency responders. This training focuses on managing severe injuries and stabilizing patients until professional medical help arrives.
  3. First Aid Kits and Medical Supplies: Ensure the availability of well-stocked first aid kits throughout the workplace. These kits should contain essential medical supplies, such as bandages, dressings, antiseptics, splints, and other trauma supplies. Make sure employees know the locations of these kits and how to use the items inside.
  4. Defibrillators (AEDs): Consider installing automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in easily accessible areas. AEDs can be life-saving devices for victims of cardiac arrest, and employees should receive training on their usage.
  5. Emergency Medical Contact Information: Display emergency medical contact information prominently throughout the workplace. This includes local emergency services, nearby hospitals, and any designated medical response teams within the organization.
  6. Emergency Response Drills: Conduct regular emergency response drills that simulate violent incidents and include medical response scenarios. This helps employees become familiar with the appropriate actions to take in a high-stress situation.
  7. Onsite Medical Team or Partnerships: Depending on the size and nature of the workplace, consider establishing an onsite medical team or partnerships with nearby medical facilities. Having medical professionals on hand can expedite the response to any injuries sustained during an incident.
  8. Post-Incident Medical Support: Develop a plan to provide medical support to those affected by workplace violence. This may involve coordinating with mental health professionals to offer counseling and emotional support to employees after the incident.
  9. Review and Replenish Supplies Regularly: Regularly review and replenish first aid kits and medical supplies to ensure they remain up-to-date and ready for use at all times.
  10. Encourage Reporting of Injuries: Create a culture that encourages employees to report any injuries sustained during workplace violence incidents promptly. This helps in providing timely medical attention and ensures a thorough assessment of the situation.

By emphasizing medical training and having the necessary medical supplies readily available, employers can significantly enhance their ability to respond effectively to workplace violence incidents, minimize the impact of injuries, and promote a safer working environment for everyone.

Call Medic Response today at 703-449-5438 to set up first aid, CPR and AED training classes for your office. We also offer First Aid supplies in our online store (AED, First Aid Kits, Bleeding Contol Kits).

Restarant First Aid Kit
First Aid Kits from Medic Response
Emergency Response First Aid
American Heart Association Authorized Training Center - Medic Response
Call Us at 703-449-5438