Did you know that Teachers are required to have CPR AED and First Aid Certification in Virginia?

Teacher Training and Certification

First Aid, CPR/AED Certification Mandated for Teacher Licensure and Renewal The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) requires all those seeking initial teacher licensure and license renewals and provisional teaching licenses to have documentation of certification or training in emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and the use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs). As of July […]

What is the most Dangerous Occupation in the U.S.?

Sawyer Logging Medic Response

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration calls Sawyer and Logging “the most dangerous occupation in the U.S.” That’s due in part to the tools and equipment (like chain saws and logging machines) that are hazardous, and in part to the momentum of trees as they fall and roll. Sawyer (a person who saws timber for […]

We Offer On-Site Training at your Office, School or Business

On-site training from Medic Response

Medic Response Health & Safety offers training to meet your needs. At Medic Response Health & Safety, we offer a wide variety of American Heart Association, American Red Cross, American Health Safety Institute and Wilderness First Aid courses to fit the needs of you or your team. We serve the areas of Northern Virginia, the […]

Medic Response is Opening a New Location in Gainesville, Virginia

Opening new location in Gainesville, Virginia

New Location: 7580 Gardner Park Drive, Unit 11, Gainesville, Virginia 20155 Medic Response Health & Safety is opening a new location in Gainesville, Virginia in September of 2022. Our new training facility address will be 7580 Gardner Park Drive, Gainesville, Virginia 20155. We provide quality training in Basic Life Support Provider, BLS Renewal, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), […]

Why should Motorcycle Riders Travel with a First Aid Kit?

Motorcycle First Aid

There’s no substitute for a good first-aid kit when disaster strikes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA), the most common cause of motorcycle accidents is the failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic.  Per vehicle miles traveled in 2019, motorcyclists were about 29 times more likely than passenger vehicle […]

Are You Prepared for Hiking Season?

Wilderness Hiking Preparation - Medic Response

Always check the weather forecast before a hike so you can dress appropriately. It is hiking season again. When you hike in the wilderness – whether it be a short or long distance from the trail head, what do you do if the weather changes or the unknown happens? Are You Prepared? Medic Response Health […]

K 9 First Aid Supplies and Training

K-9 First Aid Supplies and Training

Your K-9 would defend you with his life; don’t leave his to chance. An important family member – the K 9 – can get hurt just like humans. Having the proper first supplies can help them too. Sometimes our dog is the hardest worker so they might get sprains, broken nails, serious cuts, or accidentally […]

Why is First Aid Training in the Community so Important?

HOA FIrst Aid Training from Medic Response

Knowledge of First Aid promotes the sense of safety and well being amongst people, prompting them to be more alert and safe in their communities. Community centers are where people come together for parties, swimming meets or to get to know your neighbor.  Having more people in the community trained in First Aid CPR AED […]

Are You Interested in becoming an Instructor at Medic Response?

Contact us at 703-449-5438 for a career opportunity at Medic Response Health & Safety Medic Response Health & Safety is looking for part-time CPR Instructors to teach the following programs: American Heart Association American Red Cross American Health & Safety Institute There are several instructor opportunities available at Media Response Health & Safety. We like […]

Wilderness Remote First Aid Training is back!

Wilderness Training

Medic Response Health & Safety is now offering Wilderness First Aid Training. We had our first Wilderness Remote First Aid (WFA) training (since COVID) last month for a small group of people that work in the outdoors. We had the class outside and enjoyed coffee and doughnuts before we started the training. The group had […]

Do you know the 5 Important Benefits of Heartsaver Virtual Training?

Medic Response Health & Safety is now offering Heartsaver Virtual training courses. Heartsaver courses empower workplaces, communities, and individual learners with the knowledge and skills that can help save a life.  The virtual courses consist of a convenient training kit and app solution that allows you the flexibility to take Heartsaver® eLearning courses and complete […]

Call Us at 703-449-5438