Category Archives: Wilderness

Wilderness Training from Medic Response

Wilderness and Remote First Aid Course

Wilderness Training

Designed for outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone who works or spends time in remote environments, this course teaches advanced skills to be used in emergencies when help from professional first responders may be far away. Medic Response Health & Safety offer a Wilderness and Remote First Aid Course (2 days). The course provides individuals with a foundation of […]

Widerness and Remote First Aid Course

Wilderness Training

Designed for outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone who works or spends time in remote environments, this course teaches advanced skills to be used in emergencies when help from professional first responders may be far away. Medic Response Health & Safety offer a Wilderness and Remote First Aid Course (2 days). The course provides individuals with a […]

The Importance of Wilderness and Remote First Aid

Wilderness Training

Medic Response Health & Safety offers a Wilderness and Remote First Aid course. Wilderness and remote first aid are crucial skills for outdoor enthusiasts and those who work in remote areas. These skills are designed to provide life-saving care in the absence of immediate access to medical facilities. Wilderness and remote environments present unique challenges […]

What is the most Dangerous Occupation in the U.S.?

Sawyer Logging Medic Response

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration calls Sawyer and Logging “the most dangerous occupation in the U.S.” That’s due in part to the tools and equipment (like chain saws and logging machines) that are hazardous, and in part to the momentum of trees as they fall and roll. Sawyer (a person who saws timber for […]

Are You Prepared for Hiking Season?

Wilderness Hiking Preparation - Medic Response

Always check the weather forecast before a hike so you can dress appropriately. It is hiking season again. When you hike in the wilderness – whether it be a short or long distance from the trail head, what do you do if the weather changes or the unknown happens? Are You Prepared? Medic Response Health […]

Wilderness Remote First Aid Training is back!

Wilderness Training

Medic Response Health & Safety is now offering Wilderness First Aid Training. We had our first Wilderness Remote First Aid (WFA) training (since COVID) last month for a small group of people that work in the outdoors. We had the class outside and enjoyed coffee and doughnuts before we started the training. The group had […]

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