The Occupational Safety and Health Administration calls Sawyer and Logging “the most dangerous occupation in the U.S.”
That’s due in part to the tools and equipment (like chain saws and logging machines) that are hazardous, and in part to the momentum of trees as they fall and roll. Sawyer (a person who saws timber for a living) and logging operations often take place in remote locations – far from any emergency medical care.
Having the proper EMS gear to administer first aid can be a major factor in minimizing even life-threatening injuries.
Medic Response Health & Safety offers you the latest medical technology like “stop the bleed”. We can build custom kits to meet your needs in your job. We can provide you with the best in hemorrhage care until help arrives.
On-Site Training
We also can come to your site to do training for your team on how to handle bleeding emergencies.
Contact Us Today
Call Medic Response today at 703-449-5438 to set up training classes for you or your team.
Sawyer Trauma & First Aid Kits
Arborists, Loggers, Sawyers Chainsaw First Aid Kits
North American Rescue Logging First Aid & Trauma Kit with Bleeding Control Dressing – Soft Case
Arborists, Loggers, Sawyers Chainsaw First Aid Kits
Crew, Solo, Sawyer, Wildland Firefighter Chainsaw Trauma Kit